The markdown(MDX) blog starter for developers and development teams.
Bootstrap/create beautiful and fully-custom markdown-powered blogs in minutes.
Own your blog, own your code!!!
template banner - markdown post in code editor, and preview open by the side in browser
Blog faster with Blof.

Using a markdown blog-provider platform is an awesome way to create and own markdown-powered blogs. But what happens when you want a fully custom solution that grants full access to the code-base, and permits your taste. Or when you wish to integrate services like advertisements(Ads)???

Blof helps developers and development teams to create/bootstrap fully-custom markdown-powered blogs in less than 15 minutes. Whether you're a developer or a part of developer's team, Blof is the perfect solution for your blog next project.

top class templates
Blof templates are not your regular markdown-blog templates.
template banner - markdown post in code editor, and preview open by the side in browser

Support for multiple markdown elements.

All Blof templates come with an impressive support for different interactive markdown elements - from the regular ones, to complex and interactive ones like Video embed, and tweets embed.

template banner - markdown post in code editor, and preview open by the side in browser

Ready for scale(and to go remote with your content) by default.

All Blof blog templates, come with the markdown(MDX) posts/content FULLY/COMPLETELY separate from code by default, hence making it easy to scale or host your content remotely without much breaking code-changes.

template banner - markdown post in code editor, and preview open by the side in browser

Extensible by default 🤯🤯🤯.

All Blof templates come with MDX support. This means you can create more interactive elements/components(with ReactJs) and add right into your markdown posts/content.

And yet there's a lot more...

Top quality and professionally crafted

All Blof templates are top-class and professionally Created. Built with NextJs, and styled to be highly flexible(with Tailwindcss) for your customization needs, while also making the best of other awesome software development technologies we all love.

From zero to blog in minutes

After purchasing a Blof template, you actually do not need to make any non-content(code) update. Simply replace the dummy content that comes in the template with your own content, deploy the project/template and start blogging.

Easy to use

Adding a new post is as easy as creating a new ‘.mdx’ file. Adding a new content category is as easy as updating the categories-config file. 💪.

Proceed to make a push to Github(ensure to host on a platform like Netlify or Vercel first), and your update is live.

Getting started is easy.

Creating a new Blof blog is easy. You don't even need a Blof account to get started.
1. Select a Blof template.
Select the blof template your prefer from the list of available ones.
2. Proceed to make payment.

Proceed to make a payment. All payments are powered and secured by Paystack. Paystack is a Stripe company.

3. Receive your Github invite.
After a successful payment, you will receive a Github invite to join the template repository and have access to the template code.
4. Host your template/project repository.
If you wish to use the blog(template) as a static blog, simply proceed to host on a platform(like vercel), update the dummy content with your own content, deploy your updates, and your blog is live.
5. Your blog is ready! Begin blogging immediately, or proceed to make your desired system upgrades.
Proceed to make system upgrades to your blog if your wish.

Ready to start blogging?

Bootstrap/create beautiful and fully-custom markdown-powered blogs in minutes.

Own your blog! own your code!!!